Welcome to my Puerto Rico and El Yunque photo exhibit. Where everyday is an adventure.

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Coqui Frogs--turn your sound on to hear the frogs

All photos shot by and copyrighted by me, Rex Cauldwell. Enjoy but do not copy without permission. If you see these photos on any other site and credit has not been given to me, the photos have been stolen from this site. Please do not frequent that site and notify that site that they are using stolen photos. Currently, only Elena Harley (we are interlinked) and Joyce of Buzz studio are allowed to use my photos on the net.

For those who wish to use my photos, simply e mail me to ask permission. School and college projects can use my photos for free -- but e mail me for permission. For a business, simply send me a standard contract form so we can agree on a price. I have many more coqui photos on my data base.


For those of you who wish to steal the photos be aware that some companies such as KLM airlines, Science news, and Thirstystone have the rights to certain photos--you steal these and you may be sued by them. In addition, my photos are digimarked. This is an electronic signiature imbedded in the photo.

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coqui type denoted by stripe down nose

Beware: High quality photos--slow download zone!

My apologies, but this site may not be for sightseers who only have a fast, passing intrest. Throughout the entire site there will be large photographs with many photos per page. This is needed to show how impressieve El Yunque is--but this translates out to be slow downloading unless you have a fast computer system with a fast internet hookup. The average download time for the page is around two minutes. If you are serious about seeing some quality photos of the El Yunque rainforest then this is your site otherwise you may not have the patience for the downloading.

Coqui type denoted by the red stripes inside leg

I find the El Yunque frogs one of the hardest things to photograph. They don't come out much until after dark so I find myself roaming the jungle trails late at night and early in the morning. They're literally everywhere--at least their co-ke sounds are. But it takes a little bit of experience to find them and a lot of luck to find one that is facing you so you can get the eyes in the shot. And then you have only a few seconds or a couple minutes to get the shot off before he or she hops away.



With his ko-ke sound filling the jungle at night, these frogs are sometimes hard to find along the trails. But once you get used to finding their hiding places it becomes quite easy.

It is hard to get one of these frogs to look at you so you can get a better shot. Once lit by the flashlight you only have a few seconds before they hop away. In those few seconds one hand holds the flashlight, another holds the camera, and another tries to focus the camera. And where did I put that tripod?


One reason the frogs are hard to find is that they like to get in a natural amplifying chamber to do their ko-ke sound. The sound bellows loudly across the jungle and is hard to pinpoint its source. Even when I know they have to be in a particular spot they are sometimes hard to find because they are hidden so well in the cracks and crevices of the trees.

Here is what you look for along the trail. The frog is hidden in a tree crack and his voice is being bellowed out from the tree chamber across the jungle. The sound goes everywhere and is hard to pinpoint by humans